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Privacy Policy

Welcome to the website for Herald-Dispatch newspaper, herald-dispatch.com (the ֱSiteֱ). The Site is an online service owned by HD ֱ Company, LLC (the ֱCompanyֱ or ֱusֱ). This Privacy Policy discusses our privacy practices with respect to the Site, online and mobile applications owned by the Company related to the Site or to Herald-Dispatch newspaper, and any other services of the Company that display this Privacy Policy (collectively with the Site and the applications, the ֱServicesֱ).

We recognize that many visitors to our Site and users of our applications are concerned about the information that they provide to us or that may be collected, and how we treat that information. In order to address those concerns we have developed this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect, use, share, disclose or otherwise process the personal information we hold about you.


Among other things, this Privacy Policy addresses how we collect, protect and use your ֱpersonal data,ֱ which is information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a person.For purposes of this Privacy Policy, ֱpersonal dataֱ may include not only your personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, email address, phone number, birthdate, facial photograph, and credit card information; but also online identifiers such as your computerֱs IP (Internet protocol) address, geo-location information, and other information which by itself would not allow us to identify you, but which when combined with personally identifiable information may allow you to be identified.These online identifiers are only considered ֱpersonal dataֱ under this Privacy Policy when they are or may be combined with your personally identifiable information.


  1. Registration, Forms, and Other Times You Actively Provide Your Personal Data to Us

    We collect personal data about you when you actively provide it to us; for example, when you fill in your contact information in a form to open an account with us, submit comments in response to one of our stories (we may require that you include some identifying information with your comments), submit photos or other information to us, sign up to receive information from us, subscribe to the Services, enter a contest, respond to a survey, make a forum submission, email us, send us a text message, purchase something through the Services, or at other times in which we alert you that you must submit personal data.

  2. Information from Devices

    We may also collect personal data automatically from your mobile device, laptop or other device when you use that device to interact with our Site or use our Services.The information we collect from the device may include the IP address and geo-location of the device.It may also include such information as which pages on the Site you accessed using the device, what information is downloaded, what type of device, browser and operating system are being used, which Internet service provider is being used and other information of this general type.We may also collect information from cookies, web beacons, or other trackers placed on your device (see the section onֱCookies and Online Trackingֱin this Privacy Policy for more information about our use of these trackers).We, or third parties that provide or operate services on or through our Services, may also track information about usersֱ online activities over time and across different websites.By itself, the information we collect from devices does not allow us to personally identify you (you may not even be using the device ֱ you might have loaned it to a friend), but when combined with other personal data, it may allow us to identify you.

  3. Social ֱ Login

    If you log in to our websites or online services through a third party site, such as Facebook, that site may pass information to us, such as user ID, name associated with the ID, email address and location, plus other information permitted under the privacy policy for that website. Our Services may also return information about you to that social networking site regarding your log in, such as which of our websites or apps you visit and your use of the social media services on those websites and apps.

    If you log in with or connect to our Services using social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the social media serviceֱs use of the shared information will be governed by their privacy policy. If you do not want your personal data shared in this way, please do not connect your social media service account with your account with us, and do not participate in social sharing on our Services.
  4. Public Information and Posts

    Any personal data that you post or submit to our Site or Services, such as when posting comments in response to stories, submitting photos or videos, or engaging in forums or chat rooms, may be collected by us, and may be viewed by other people (including search engines), over whom we have no control. You are responsible for the information you choose to post or otherwise make available in such public areas, and you acknowledge that this information may be collected and used by third parties.

  5. Payment Processing

    If you purchase something through our Services, we may collect your name, address, credit card information, and other personal data in order to process the purchase, deliver the goods or services that you purchased to you, and handle any other issues related to your purchase.If you use third party payment providers, such as PayPal, to pay for or receive payment from us, that site may pass information to us including your name, email address, billing or other address, phone number (if applicable), date of sign-up, the number of payments you have received from verified PayPal users, whether you have been verified to have control of a bank account and any other information you agree they can share.

  6. Advertisers and Other Third Parties

    Several features of the Services, such as advertisements, classified ads, contests or sweepstakes, polls or surveys, and blogs, may be provided or operated by third parties. These third parties may also collect your personal data in order to use their services.For example, when you visit our Site or use our Services, advertisers or advertising intermediaries may select and display advertisements to you on your device.These companies may collect information from your device to help select which advertisements that they believe are more relevant to you. They may also use this information to tell advertisers that the advertisements have been delivered and seen.Please check their privacy policies for information about their privacy practices. You can also find out more about how they collect your information in theֱCookies and Online Trackingֱsection of this Privacy Policy.In some cases these third parties may provide your personal data to us when there is a legitimate interest to do so.

  7. Affiliates

    Our Company has a number of affiliates.A list of them can be found at this link:.Our affiliates may sometimes share the personal data that they acquire with us when they have consent or there is a legitimate interest in doing so.

  8. Other Sources

    We may also obtain online and offline information about you from other organizations that have your permission or where there is a legitimate interest in sharing your personal data with us or companies like us. We may combine this with information we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


  1. Provide Products and Services that Are Relevant to You, Improve Your Experience, and Manage our Relationship with You.

    If you sign up for an account with us (which is required in order to view some content offered through the Services or to make certain submissions) or use Facebook Connect in conjunction with the Services, then we may use your personal data to maintain your account and to correspond with you. We may use your personal data to provide you with products and services you have asked for, including allowing you to interact, comment, and participate in online games and contests. We may use your information to monitor, improve and protect our products, content, services and websites, both online and offline. We may also provide you with help and support where we believe it is required.

  2. Personalize Content and Offers.

    We may use your personal data to send you materials that we think would be of interest to you. We may also use cookies, web beacons, and other technology to help us recognize your computer/device and help us understand where our users go and how much time they spend there. We may also use these technologies, as well as geo-location technologies, to deliver content that is customized to you. If you do not wish to have us collect and use information collected from cookies, you should disable cookies on your computer/device. You should refer to your browserֱs help menu for up-to-date information on blocking cookies and other technologies. Currently, the Site is not designed to respond to any ֱDo Not Trackֱ signals or other similar mechanisms. For more information about our use of cookies and similar technology, please see theֱCookies and Online Trackingֱsection of this Privacy Policy.

  3. Send You Direct Marketing.

    We may use your personal data to make decisions about what direct marketing to show you. This may include communications by post, telephone, email, messages (including push notifications from installed apps) to your devices, through social media (such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and on the Site, or on other websites, as you browse the Internet. The communications may contain information about our products, services, events and offers. We may also send you information, offers and promotions from our commercial customers and partners where you have given your consent. To opt-out of direct marketing, please see the instructions in theֱAccess and Control Your Informationֱsection of this Privacy Policy.

  4. Send You Product-Related and Similar Product and Services Communications.

    If you email us, submit information to us, or ask to be placed on a mailing list that we maintain, then we may contact you and send information to you. We may send you information, exclusive offers and promotions about similar products and services to those that you have already engaged with or purchased, if you have previously given your consent. We may send you service messages by email, SMS, social media, postal mail, or other methods, containing important information about changes to our services or your account. To opt-out of receiving productֱrelated and similar product and services communications, please follow the instructions in the communication, change your account settings or email us atprivacy@hdmediallc.com.

  5. Conduct Market Research and Perform Analytics.

    We may use your personal data to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, as part of a statistical usage analysis, and/or to improve the features and content of the Services. Specifically and among other methods, we may use Google Analytics, which collects user information using first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) or other first-party identifiers and third-party cookies (such as Google advertising cookies) and or other third-party identifiers. For more information about how Google collects and processes your data, please visit:. If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics, we direct you to Googleֱs opt-out mechanism at.

  6. Gain Audience Insights.

    We may provide our commercial customers and partners with information about the effectiveness and reach of advertising campaigns that they have planned or carried out. This information will not identify you directly without your consent. For example, we may tell advertisers how many customers their advertisements can reach based on demographic criteria they select or how many times an advertisement was viewed. To opt-out of having your information used for audience insights, please emailprivacy@hdmediallc.com.

  7. Detect Ad Blockers.

    When you visit the Site, we may check (using cookies, code, script or other technical means) to see if you have an ad blocker installed on your device or if your internet browser settings allow advertisements. If we detect that your device or internet browser is using an ad blocker, we may ask you to ֱwhitelist,ֱ trust or pause blocking advertisements while you visit the Site. If you continue to use an ad blocker this may have an impact on the content you are able to see on the Site.

  8. Allow Third-Party Advertising.

    In some instances, targeted advertising may be displayed on the Site by third parties. Please be aware that the Companyֱs advertisers, business partners, sponsors, service providers, vendors and third parties accessible through the Services (such as via links from the Site and/or through Facebook Connect) may have their own privacy practices. The Company is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties. You should check the applicable privacy policies of the third parties when providing information to them. These third parties may provide your personal data to the Company and may also use the information in accordance with their own privacy practices.

  9. Provide Co-Branded Services and Features.

    We may offer co-branded services or features, such as competitions or other promotions, together with a third party and may share the information you provide with that third party with your consent. These co-branded services may be hosted by the Company or by the third party. In these instances the third party may also be a data controller for your information. In this case, the third partyֱs use of your information will be governed by their privacy policy, which you should always read. To opt-out of sharing your information with such third parties, please emailprivacy@hdmediallc.com.

  10. Disclose Information as Permitted or Required by Law.

    Your personal data may be disclosed where we are permitted or required by law to do so, such as pursuant to a court order, warrant, subpoena, or discovery request. We may also disclose your personal data where we are allowed by law in cases where we believe in good faith that it is necessary to prevent a crime, an injury or financial loss to ourselves or to third parties.

  11. Ensure Services Are Being Used Appropriately.

    If you engage in disruptive behavior anywhere on the Site or in the Services, including violations of the Terms of Use, we may use your personal data to stop such behavior. This may involve informing and responding to relevant third parties such as law enforcement agencies about the content and your behavior.

  12. Sale of Our Business or Bankruptcy.

    In conjunction with the sale or offering for sale of some or all of the Company or in the event of the Companyֱs bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of creditors, or similar financial circumstances, your personal data may be part of the assets disclosed.

  13. Sale or License of Personal Data for Targeting Marketing.

    In order to provide you with ads and other content that may be of interest to you, or in order to provide you with targeted emails or other communications that may be of interest to you, we may sell or license some or all of your personal data to third parties.You may opt-out of this practice by emailing us atprivacy@hdmediallc.comor following the procedures set forth in theֱAccess and Control Your Informationֱsection of this Privacy Policy.

  14. Process Payments and Check Your Identity.

    Customer personal data will be used to take payment for products and services and may be used to verify credit details related to this payment. Permission to do so is implicit in providing financial details to process payment. Direct debit or continuous payment authority information, including card details, may be retained in accordance with our regulatory requirements, by us or our payment processors for ease of renewal of services. Additionally, we may receive updated payment details from your bank or payment provider from time to time, which we may use to ensure that your details are kept up to date and to allow us to take future payments. Financial institutions, such as those which process credit card orders, are subject to federal privacy laws. If we provide a service to you that is dependent on age or residency, and we have an obligation to verify this information, then we may pass your details to a third party to carry out the verification for us.

  15. Ensure Our Products and Services Conform With Industry Standards.

    We may share your personal data with auditors for the purposes of verifying that we comply with relevant standards. This may require them to access your information in our systems.

  16. Share Between Our Affiliates for Analytics, Analysis, Audience Insights, Business Efficiencies, Content Personalization, and Delivery of Relevant Advertising.

    The Company may rely on our legitimate interests as an advertising-funded organization to share your information with our affiliates to perform analytics and analysis of how you interact with the Site, develop relevant products and services, deliver more relevant advertising and show you relevant affiliate content. To opt-out of sharing your information with such affiliates, please emailprivacy@hdmediallc.com. Please bear in mind that opting-out will relate to any future sharing and not to information already shared.

  17. Disclosure to Our Processors.

    We may pass your information to our processors ֱ companies that we use to provide services on our behalf, for example for home delivery services, prize fulfillment agencies, market research or other purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy. These processors can only use your information in accordance with our instructions and for no other purpose.


  1. Legal Bases

    There are a number of legal grounds that enable us to collect and use your personal data. Below are the most relevant:

    i. With Your Consent (ֱConsentֱ)

    There are some activities where we process personal data with your consent, such as asking permission to send you marketing materials by email. You can opt-out or withdraw consent at any time. However, if you opt-out or withdraw consent, we may not be able to provide the product or service you have requested.

    ii. To Fulfill a Contract (ֱContractֱ)

    We may process your personal data in order to fulfill a contract we have with you. For example, we would use your information to provide you with access to your digital subscription or other products you have signed up for or to provide information regarding contests you have entered (such as to notify you if you win a prize to which you are entitled).

    iii. For a legitimate interest (ֱLegitimate Interestֱ)

    We may use your information where there is a legitimate reason to do so and only if it is fair and lawful. When we rely on legitimate interests as the basis for collecting your information, we will balance our legitimate interests versus your privacy rights.
    Our legitimate interests include:

    ֱ Support for a free press, including journalist activities of societal importance;
    ֱ Support for the right to receive information;
    ֱ Development, delivery, and maintenance of relevant and engaging products, services, and advertising;
    ֱ Understanding how and when our audience engages and interacts with us and other organizations;
    ֱ Improvement of our ability to serve our audience;
    ֱ Conducting commercial business; and
    ֱ Compliance with industry standards.

    iv. To Comply with Legal Obligations (ֱLegal Obligationֱ)

    Under certain circumstances, we may process your personal data to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations or to prosecute or defend claims.

  2. Purpose of Processing

    The specific legal basis for our use will depend on the purpose the information is used for. Please note that we may rely on more than one legal basis for our use.

Purpose of Processing

Legal Basis

Provide products and services that are relevant to you, improve your experience, and manage our relationship with you

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Personalize content and offers

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest

Send you direct marketing

Consent, Legitimate Interest

Send you product-related and similar product and services communications

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest

Conduct market research and perform analytics

Consent, Legitimate Interest

Gain audience insights

Consent, Legitimate Interest

Detect ad blockers

Contract, Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Allow third-party advertising

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest

Provide co-branded services and features

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest

Disclose information as permitted or required by law

Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation

Ensure services are being used appropriately

Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Sale of our business

Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Sale or license to third parties for direct marketing

Consent, Legitimate Interest

Process payments, check your identity

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Disclosure to processors

Consent, Contract, Legitimate Interest, Legal Obligation

Share between our affiliates for analytics, analysis, audience insights, business efficiencies, content personalization, and delivery of relevant advertising

Consent, Legitimate Interest

Ensure our products and services conform with industry standards

Legitimate Interest


  1. Updating Your Information.

    Please ensure your personal information is current or tell us of any changes or inaccuracies. You may update this information in your account settings or email us atprivacy@hdmediallc.com.Please note that we may seek confirmation of your identity before making any changes to your account.

  2. Managing Your Accounts with the Site.

    You may have several accounts for Services available through this Site.To access or modify your subscription account with the Site, log in at/accountand follow the instructions to change your account settings.For other accounts, such as a newsletter account or classifieds advertisement account, you can manage your account through the account management methodology prescribed by the vendor for that Service or contact us atprivacy@hdmediallc.com.

  3. Opting Out / Withdrawing Consent for Processing.

    Under circumstances where we may rely on your consent to process personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You may do this by changing your account settings as described above or by sending the details of your request toprivacy@hdmediallc.com(please note that we may seek confirmation of your identity before making any changes to your account).In some instances we may still have an alternative legal basis to continue to process that personal data as set forth in theֱPurpose of Processingֱsection of this Privacy Policy.If you do withdraw consent, we may not be able to provide the product or service you have requested.

  4. Email Promotions.

    For email promotions, in addition to changing your account settings, you may opt out of receiving commercial email messages from us by following the instructions contained in those email messages.

  5. Targeted Advertising.

    Please see theֱCookies and Online Trackingֱsection of this Privacy Policy for information about how to disable cookies and other choices that may be available to you with respect to certain types of targeted advertising.

  6. Retention of Personal Data.

    We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the uses set forth in this Privacy Policy, or while there is a legitimate reason for doing so. If you ask us to delete your information before that time, we may not be able to do so due to technical, legal, regulatory or contractual constraints. For example, we would need to retain your name and contact details for suppression purposes if you do not want to receive direct marketing from us.If you ask for your account to be closed, we will do this as soon as is reasonably possible subject to any applicable terms and conditions relating to the account. Some personal data from closed accounts is retained in order to comply with legal obligations, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed and to resolve disputes.

  7. Confirmation of Your Identity.

    Please note that we may seek confirmation of your identity before releasing any personal data to you or making changes to your account.


Our Services may embed content from, or link to, third-party websites and services, including social media platforms, that are outside of our control. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any information collected by other websites or other services. This Privacy Policy does not govern these third partyֱs content or services, and we encourage you to review the privacy statements applicable to the third-party websites and services you use.


We have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures that we believe are appropriate to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information we collect online. Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of our databases, Site or Services; nor can we guarantee that information will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the Internet. In order to use some of the features of the Services, you may be required to create an account with us. For your protection, this account will only be accessible by means of a password or similar security measure. If you believe that your password or email address has been compromised, you should change your account with us immediately. If you forget your password for your subscription account with this Site, follow the instructions on the login page at/users/admin/.


  1. Collection of Information.

    The Company does not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 13 through the Services unless such collection is done in accordance with the law. If you are a child under the age of 13 that intends to submit information to the Company through the Services, you must obtain your parentֱs consent prior to making such a submission. In the event that the Company obtains actual knowledge that you are a child under the age of 13, the Company may require that you (and/or your parent) prove to us your prior parental consent. Even if you are 13 or over, we recommend that all children under the age of 18 obtain parental consent prior to the submission or purchase of anything through the Services. To obtain a parental consent form, please contactprivacy@hdmediallc.com.

  2. Parental Options and Review.

    Parents of children under the age of 13 have the option to agree to the collection and use of their childֱs personal data without consenting to the disclosure of the information to third parties (subject to the Companyֱs protection of itself and others, disclosures for legal reasons, and the Companyֱs current technological capabilities). In addition, parents can review the personal data provided by their child under the age of 13, ask to have it deleted and refuse to allow any further collection or use of the childֱs information (subject to the same items as above). In order to make these requests, parents should email a detailed request toprivacy@hdmediallc.comor follow the procedures set forth in theֱOpting Out / Withdrawing Consent for Processingֱsection of this Privacy Policy. Please note that, while the Services will not require more information from children under 13 than is reasonably necessary to participate in any activity or event, deletion of required information (such as information that would permit the Company to contact the winner of a contest) may result in termination of the childֱs participation in an event or activity. Parents should also note that the official rules for contests and promotions on the Services may contain additional information related to their childrenֱs privacy and the parentsֱ rights and responsibilities.


  1. Company Does Not Target EU Users.

    Company does not presently have an office in Europe, accept sales in the currency of an EU country, market in the language of an EU country (other than English, the language of Companyֱs country), provide translation in the language of an EU country, or have a domain suffix for an EU country.Nor does Company actively offer shipping services to an EU country, engage in monitoring the behavior of EU residents, or otherwise actively target customers or consumers in the European Union.Nevertheless, Company has incorporated certain provisions into this Privacy Policy in an effort to comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (ֱGDPRֱ).
  2. Additional Rights of Users in the EU.

    If you are an individual in the European Union, you may request a copy of your personal data from the Company and you may have the right to not be profiled. You can also ask us to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data. In some circumstances you may be able to ask us to transfer information you have provided to us to another organization. Similarly, you may be able to transfer your information from another organization to us, but you should check with us first to confirm this is possible. You may also have the right to object, erase, or restrict our processing of your information ֱ for example, where we process personal data because this is in our legitimate interests, you may object to this. We will need to carefully consider your request, as there may be circumstances which require us, or allow us, to continue processing your data. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at privacy@hdmediallc.com. These rights may be restricted by law, for example we may not be able to provide a copy of your data where the data we hold is also the data of a third party and it is not reasonable to disclose this information.Please note that we may seek confirmation of your identity before releasing any personal data to you or making changes to your account.


California residents are entitled once a year, free of charge, to request and obtain certain information regarding our disclosure, if any, of certain categories of personal data to third parties for their direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year.California residents who are registered users of the Services and are under the age of 18 are entitled, in accordance with California law, to request and obtain removal of content and information that they themselves post on the Services. You may request such removal by emailing us atprivacy@hdmediallc.com.In your request, please provide a description of the material that you want removed and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material, and include your name, email address and/or Site user name, year of birth, mailing address (including city, state, and zip code), and the subject line ֱCalifornia Removal Requestֱ so that we can process your request. Please note that your request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the material. For example, some information that you have posted may be republished or reposted by another user or third party or may be retained for legal reasons.


This section covers our use of cookies and similar technologies, such as web beacons, Local Shared Objects (ֱFlash cookiesֱ) and HTML 5 Local Storage.We and third parties that provide content, advertising, or functionality to our Services, or that measure and analyze ad performance on our Services, may use cookies, web beacons, mobile ad identifiers, and similar technologies to facilitate administration and navigation on the Site, to better understand and improve our Services, to determine and/or improve the advertising shown to you on the Site or elsewhere, and to provide you with a customized online experience.

  1. Cookies.

    Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies may be used to store a unique identification number tied to your computer or device so that you can be recognized as the same user across one or more browsing sessions, and across one or more sites. Cookies serve many useful purposes. For example:

    Cookies can remember your sign-in credentials so you do not have to enter those credentials each time you visit a Service.
    Cookies can help us and third parties understand which parts of our Services are the most popular because they help us see which pages and features visitors access and how much time they spend on the pages. By studying this kind of information, we are better able to adapt our Services and provide you with a better experience.
    Cookies help us and third parties understand which ads you have seen so that you donֱt receive the same ad each time you access a Service.
    Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but can be configured not to do so or to notify the user when a cookie is being sent. If you wish to disable cookies, refer to your browser help menu to learn how to disable cookies. If you disable browser cookies or flash cookies, it may interfere with the proper functioning of the Services.

  2. Beacons.

    We, along with third parties, also may use technologies called beacons (or ֱpixelsֱ) that communicate information from your device to a server. Beacons can be embedded in online content, videos, and emails, and can allow a server to read certain types of information from your device, know when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message, determine the time and date on which you viewed the beacon, and the IP address of your device. We and third parties use beacons for a variety of purposes, including to analyze the use of our Services and (in conjunction with cookies) to provide content and ads that are more relevant to you.

  3. Local Storage and Other Tracking Technologies.

    We, along with third parties, may use other kinds of technologies, such as Local Shared Objects (also referred to as ֱFlash cookiesֱ) and HTML5 local storage, in connection with our Services. We also may use unique identifiers associated with your device, such as mobile ad identifiers. These technologies are similar to the cookies discussed above in that they are stored on your device and can be used to store certain information about your activities and preferences. However, these technologies may make use of different parts of your device from standard cookies, and so you might not be able to control them using standard browser tools and settings. For HTML5 local storage, the method for disabling HTML5 will vary depending on your browser. For Flash cookies, information about disabling or deleting information contained in Flash cookies can be found at.

  4. How to Disable Tracking Technologies.

    If you wish to disable cookies and other tracking technologies, please refer to your browserֱs help menu to learn how to disable them. Information about how to disable Flash cookies is set forth above.Some web browsers may transmit ֱdo-not-trackֱ signals to the websites with which the user communicates.The Services currently do not take action in response to these signals.Please note that disabling cookies and other tracking technologies may interfere with the proper functioning of the Services.


This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time, so we encourage you to check back with every visit to the Services. If you do not agree to one or more of the changes, you may choose to ֱopt out,ֱ using the ֱOpting Outֱ procedures set forth in this Privacy Policy. Once the change has been made, all information collected by the Services after the change will be subject to the new terms of the Privacy Policy. In addition, if you affirm your agreement to this Privacy Policy, such as by clicking ֱI agreeֱ when asked if you agree to be subject to this Privacy Policy or the legal terms of the Services, then all information collected prior to the change will also be subject to the new terms. The current version of this Privacy Policy is effectiveAugust 1, 2019.


For privacy concerns, you may contact our Privacy Operator / Data Protection Officer as follows:

By email:privacy@hdmediallc.com

By postal mail: Website Privacy Issues

c/o Publisher

HD ֱ Company, LLC

5192 Braley Road

Huntington, WV 25705

Company may have several operators collecting or maintaining personal information. The operator listed above, or his/her successor, is responsible for responding to privacy inquiries. Third parties accessible through the Services may have their own such operators.